Future climate changes, as well as differences in climates from one lo
cation to another, may involve changes in climatic variability as well
as changes in means. In this study, a synthetic weather generator is
used to systematically change the within-year variability of temperatu
re and precipitation (and therefore also the interannual variability),
without altering long-term mean values. For precipitation, both the m
agnitude and the qualitative nature of the variability are manipulated
. The synthetic daily weather series serve as input to four crop simul
ation models. Crop growth is simulated for two locations and three soi
l types. Results indicate that average predicted yield decreases with
increasing temperature variability where growing-season temperatures a
re below the optimum specified in the crop model for photosynethsis or
biomass accumulation. However, increasing within-year variability of
temperature has little impact on year-to-year variability of yield. Th
e influence of changed precipitation variability on yield was mediated
by the nature of the soil. The response on a droughtier soil was grea
test when precipitation amounts were altered while keeping occurrence
patterns unchanged, When increasing variability of precipitation was a
chieved through fewer but larger rain events, average yield on a soil
with a large plant-available water capacity was more affected. This se
cond difference is attributed to the manner in which plant water uptak
e is simulated. Failure to account for within-season changes in temper
ature and precipitation variability may cause serious errors in predic
ting crop-yield responses to future climate change when air temperatur
es deviate from crop optima and when soil water is likely to be deplet
ed at depth.