A profound interrelationship between cytokines and invertebrate (mollu
scs) immune responses has been reported. Different cytokines (IL-1 alp
ha, IL-2 and TNF-alpha significantly stimulate molluscan hemocyte moti
lity, increasing phagocytic activity and provoking the induction of ni
tric oxide synthase. As far as cell motility is concerned, the respons
e to different cytokines varied between species. These and other recen
tly reported findings (Ottaviani et al (1994) FEES Lett 351, 19-21; Ot
taviani et al (1995) Biochem Biophys Res Commun 207, 288-292) suggest
that cytokines are important, ancestral, and functionally conserved mo
lecules, which have also maintained their pleiotropicity, redundancy i
n the mode of action, and high promiscuity of their receptors during e