This study assesses dental development in a sample of 8 known-age infa
nt orangutans and chimpanzees in order to examine discrepancies betwee
n radiographic analyses of tooth development and the actual developing
teeth. All crania were radiographed and any developing teeth then ext
racted for comparison. The height of deciduous teeth was measured both
on the radiographs and on the extracted teeth to assess the accuracy
of radiographic tooth measurements. A comparison between the radiograp
hic and actual measurements of the deciduous teeth reveals substantial
discrepancies. For permanent teeth, the degree of radiographic undere
stimation of tooth development was found to vary depending on the toot
h being studied, its stage of development (early stages are particular
ly problematic) and the radiographic techniques used. Examination of t
he dissected teeth also revealed earlier times of onset of calcificati
on for I-2(2) C-1(1) P-3-4(3-4) and M(2) than reported in previous stu
dies. For the canine and M(2)(2), upper and lower homologues appear to
begin development at different times, but there is no apparent differ
ence in onset times between other upper and lower homologues.