About thirty nuclei in the A similar to 100 mass region have been prod
uced as fission fragments in the reaction S-36 + Dy-162 at 162 MeV bom
barding energy. They have been individually identified from their gamm
a-ray transitions detected using an early implementation of EUROGAM ar
ray. The mass region reached develops from Z = 34 (Se) to Z = 48 (Cd)
and from N = 46 to N = 66, along the valley at stability and beyond it
towards neutron-rich side. Level schemes of already known stable or n
eutron-rich nuclei have been extended to higher spins. From cross coin
cidences between transitions in complementary fragments, gamma-rays de
-exciting high-spin states of new isotopes have been identified and so
me aspects of the fission mechanism have been analysed.