Phylogenetic analysis of eight problematic genera of waterfowl (Sticto
netta Plectropterus, Sarkidiornis, Hymenolaimus, Tachyeres, Merganetta
, Malacorhynchus, and Salvadorina) and representatives of other tadorn
ine genera and anatine tribes was undertaken using 114 morphological c
haracters (39 skeletal, four tracheal 11 natal, and 60 of the definiti
ve integument) and a variety of weighting schemes, in an attempt to cl
arify relationships in the most poorly understood segment of the phylo
geny of Anseriformes (Livezey, 1986a). Under equal weighting of charac
ters, 40 equally parsimonious trees were found that shared the followi
ng findings: (1) a sister-group relationship of Stictonetta to a clade
comprising the Tadorninae and Anatinae; (2) a sister-relationship bet
ween Plectropterus and Sarkidiornis; (3) monophyly of the typical shel
ducks and sheldgeese (Tadorna, Cyanochen, Alopochen, Neochen, and Chlo
ephaga); (4) monophyly of Hymenolaimus, Tachyeres, and Merganetta; and
(5) a sister-relationship between Salvadorina and Malacorhynchus. An
analysis wherein skeletal characters were given twice the weight of ot
her character groups resulted in four shortest trees which, in additio
n to the findings under equal weighting, indicated that: (1) Plectropt
erus + Sarkidiornis represent the sister-group of the typical shelduck
s and sheldgeese; (2) a sister-relationship between the clade comprisi
ng Hymenolaimus, Tachyeres, and Merganetta and the preceding clade, co
llectively constituting the ''tadornine'' clade; and (3) a sister-rela
tionship between Malacorhynchus + Salvadorina and an ''anatine'' clade
comprising the remaining tribes and subtribes (Cairineae, Nettapodeae
, Anateae, Aythyini, Mergini and Oxyurini). An analysis in which skele
tal, tracheal, natal, and definitive characters were assigned weights
of four, three, two, and one,respectively, produced identical results
to the preceding weighting scheme. Successive weighting by rescaled co
nsistency indices produced two shortest trees that resembled those fou
nd under the two preceding protocols except: (1) the Mergini were plac
ed as the sister-group of the ''tadornine'' clade defined above; and (
2) the Cairineae (Cairina, Pteronetta, and Air) were placed as the sis
ter-group to plectropterus + Sarkidiornis. Based on the comparative st
rengths of hypothesized homologies of skeletal characters and assessme
nts of topological support (including bootstrapping, decay indices, an
d near-shortest trees) for all weighting schemes, a conservative class
ification was based on the a priori weighting schemes favoring skeleta
l characters. Maps of selected ecomorphological attributes on this phy
logenetic tree revealed several distinct evolutionary trends, but inco
mpletely resolved relationships among these diverse genera and within
suprageneric taxa limited inferences. Additional promising areas for a
natomically based systematic study are identified, and the need for co
ntinued cladistic study of this poorly resolved but topologically crit
ical segment of the phylogeny of Anseriformes is emphasized.