Permeability of dilute (containing 1 to 4 wt % of polymer) homogeneous
polyacrylamide hydrogels to globular proteins, microspheres of polysi
licic acid, and restricted fragments of double-strand DNA were studied
by diffusion, quasielastic laser light scattering, and electrophoresi
s. By analyzing the mobility of penetrating particles for all three pe
netrating species, pore dimensions of the hydrogels were evaluated. It
was found that diffusion mobility of compact particles in the examine
d hydrogels is controlled mostly by the characteristic size of the flu
ctuation network of entanglements rather than by the size of the cell
of chemical network, which is specified during the synthesis by the am
ount of cross-linking agent. The sizes of the cell evaluated from DNA
electrophoresis (860 - 1120 Angstrom) and protein diffusion (80 - 180
Angstrom) were found to be significantly different. The causes of this
discrepancy are discussed.