Mental imagery is an important cognitive method for problem solving, a
nd the mental rotation of complex objects, as originally described by
Shepard and Metzler (1971), is among the best studied of mental imager
y tasks. Functional MRI was used to observe focal changes in blood flo
w in the brains of 10 healthy volunteers performing a mental rotation
task On each trial, subjects viewed a pair of perspective drawings of
three-dimensional shapes, mentally rotated one into congruence with th
e other and then determined whether the two forms were identical or mi
rror-images. The control task, which rye have called the 'comparison'
condition, was identical except that both members of each pair appeare
d at the same orientation, and hence the same encoding, comparison and
decision processes were used but mental rotation was not required. Th
ese tasks were interleaved with a baseline 'fixation' condition, in wh
ich the subjects viewed a crosshair. Technically adequate studies were
obtained in eight of the 10 subjects. Areas of increased signal were
identified according to sulcal landmarks and are described in terms of
the Brodmann's area (BA) definitions that correspond according to the
atlas of Talaraich and Tournoux. When the rotation task was contraste
d with the comparison condition, all subjects showed consistent foci o
f activation in BAs 7a and 7b (sometimes spreading to BA 40); 88% had
increased signal in middle frontal gyrus (BA 8) and 75% showed extrast
riate activation including particularly BAs 39 and 19, in a position c
onsistent with area V5/human MT as localized by functional and histolo
gical assays. In move than half of the subjects, hand somatosensory co
rtex (3-1-2) was engaged, and in 50% of subjects there was elevated si
gnal in BA 18. In frontal cortex activation was above threshold in hal
f the subjects in BAs 9 and/or 46 (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex). So
me (four out of eight) subjects also showed signal increases in BAs 44
and/or 46. Premotor cortex (BA 6) was active in half of the subjects
during the rotation task. There was little evidence for lateralization
of the cortical activity or of engagement of motor cortex. These data
are consistent with the hypothesis that mental rotation engages corti
cal areas involved in tracking moving objects and encoding spatial rel
ations, as well as the more general understanding that mental imagery
engages the same, or similar, neural imagery as direct perception.