PET activation studies identify significant local changes in regional
cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in contrasts of behavioural tasks with cont
rol states, and these local changes identify net changes in local syna
ptic activity. A number of studies on word retrieval have all demonstr
ated left frontal (dorsolateral and medial) involvement in the task. H
owever, there have been differences in the responses observed in the l
eft temporal lobe, with variously a deactivation (significant decrease
in rCBF), no response and an activation (significant increase in rCBF
). In the four studies described here, we have examined word (verbs an
d nouns) retrieval contrasted with a number of different control state
s. The studies confirmed extensive activation of the left dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex and, medially, the anterior cingulate cortex and th
e supplementary motor area (SMA). Activations of the left posterior te
mporal lobe and the inferior parietal lobe were consistently demonstra
ted when word retrieval was contrasted with a rest state. Contrasts wi
th other single word tasks controlled out the activation in the perisy
lvian part of the left posterior temporal lobe, suggesting a role for
this region in lexical processing. The left inferolateral temporal cor
tex and the posterior part of the inferior parietal lobe were only act
ivated by word retrieval, particularly verbs. It is proposed that thes
e activated regions reflect access to semantic fields.