F. Massari, UPPER-FLOW-REGIME STRATIFICATION TYPES ON STEEP-FACE, COARSE-GRAINED,GILBERT-TYPE PROGRADATIONAL WEDGES (PLEISTOCENE, SOUTHERN ITALY), Journal of sedimentary research. Section B, Stratigraphy and global studies, 66(2), 1996, pp. 364-375
Gravelly Gilbert-type progradational wedges 30-90 m thick developed du
ring the Pleistocene in the Bradanic area (foredeep of southern Apenni
nes). Facies within foresets and toesets are essentially included in t
wo major groups: (1) massive or graded beds, and (2) beds with widespr
ead internal lamination, including units with sheet-like geometry and
planar lamination, lensing layers with broadly convex-up or wavy upper
boundaries (with internal lamination ranging from planar or low-angle
, boundary-unconformable, to curved, boundary-conformable), and scour-
filling ''backsets'' (sets of upslope-dipping cross-laminae). It is su
ggested that the lamination reflects temporal and spatial variations i
n bed shear stress and lift forces acting on sediment particles in mot
ion over the bed and related to burst/sweep cycles. The lenticular fac
ies is inferred to be generated by migration and aggradation of long-w
avelength antidunes. The backsets were probably produced by rapid upst
ream migration of submerged hydraulic jumps and related erosional pool
s, accompanied by sediment accretion on the downstream Banks of the po
ols, As the scours are infilled, a standing-wave condition may be esta
blished, generating wavy bedforms with long trochoidal profiles at the
tops of backsets. In complete sequences a waning-flow trend is record
ed by the transition from backset and standing-wave laminae to planar
laminae, and then ripple cross-laminae. The presence of backsets on th
e foreset slope may reflect the spontaneous formation of hydraulic jum
ps without the need of break in slope or obstructions to flow. Althoug
h the various facies may individually be present everywhere on the for
eset and toeset, with common short-distance mutual transitions suggest
ing high intrinsic instability of flows, a general pattern of downslop
e change exists, from planar sheetlike stratification and lamination t
o lenticular/undular units; the transition may reflect a sequence of u
pper-flow-regime bed phases with increasing densiometric Froude number
down the foreset slope. Although typically developed on the toe, sets
of backset cross-laminae are nearly ubiquitous, and their presence ne
ar the tip of the foreset slope suggests that Bows responsible for sed
iment dispersal were commonly generated on the topset platform and wer
e already turbulent and supercritical before spreading onto the forese
t slope. The nearly ubiquitous presence of wave-worked topset gravels
supports the hypothesis of the importance of storm-driven flows in pro
moting gravity resedimentation on the foreset slope. The source was pr
obably a wave-dominated coastal belt with open-fetch, short-headed bra
id deltas highly affected by longshore drift.