Landfill leachate treatment is the most troublesome aspect of the land
fill management. Investigation of leachate characteristics at two land
fill sites in Taiwan showed that the biological processes were ineffic
ient for the treatment of leachate, regardless of whether an anaerobic
or aerobic process was used. In addition, conventional flocculation/s
edimentation processes were also ineffective for post-treatment of lea
chate effluents from biological treatment processes. The discharged le
achate still contained lots of refractory pollutants and it failed to
meet the effluent quality standards of the R.O.C. (COD < 500 mg/L, NH4
+-N < 20 mg/L). In an attempt to improve leachate effluent quality, in
this study, an electrochemical oxidation process was applied to treat
the landfill leachate after biodegradation. Results from both batch a
nd continuous experiments indicate that over 90% of COD and NH4+-N in
the landfill leachate are removed by the electrochemical oxidation pro
cess. In addition, the electrochemical oxidation process also demonstr
ated a good efficacy for the removal of refractory compounds. After el
ectrolysis, the chlorinated organic matters (as TOX) in the landfill l
eachate was reduced from 19.4 to less than 2 mg Cl/L and the BOD/COD r
atio of the landfill leachate was also improved from 0.05 to 0.71. The
se results indicate that the electrochemical oxidation process is a pr
omising process for the treatment of landfill leachate.