The soil acidification model SAFE was modified to calculate historical
changes in geochemistry and runoff since the last glaciation ended at
the Lake Gardsjon Fl catchment 12 000 B.P.. Changes in runoff pH and
ANC, soil weathering rate, soil mineralogy, soil texture and base satu
ration was also calculated. The changes in mineralogy compared favorab
le to data. Modeled historic weathering rates were slightly higher tha
n data suggest, while present weathering rate was somewhat to low, 37
mmol(c) m(-2) yr(-1). The weathering rate was very high immediately af
ter the last glaciation, and decreased as the smaller particles were c
onsumed by weathering. The calculated runoff pH follows the pattern of
the paleo-inferred pH. SAFE suggests a natural depletion of base cati
ons in the C-layer.