An unusual case of pseudolymphoma of the thyroid gland is presented. A
well-demarcated whitish mass measuring 1.0 cm in diameter was found i
n. the upper center of the right lobe of the thyroid gland. Microscopi
cally, the lesion was composed of hyperplastic lymphoid tissues with m
any follicular centers and mixed infiltration of plasma cells and macr
ophages. The immunostain revealed a similar distribution of T- and B-l
ymphocytes to reactive lymph node and a polyclonal nature of the plasm
a cell infiltrates. No lymphoepithelial lesion was associated. The adj
acent thyroid tissues showed chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. This fin
ding suggests that the lesion is a pseudolymphoma of the thyroid gland
. This condition is rare, but it should be considered during the diffe
rential diagnosis of lymphoproliferative lesions occurring in the thyr
oid gland, especially with low-grade malignant lymphoma of the thyroid