Wjd. Vanleeuwen et Ar. Huete, EFFECTS OF STANDING LITTER ON THE BIOPHYSICAL INTERPRETATION OF PLANTCANOPIES WITH SPECTRAL INDEXES, Remote sensing of environment, 55(2), 1996, pp. 123-138
Litter is frequently present within vegetation canopies and thus contr
ibutes to the overall spectral response of a canopy. Consequently, lit
ter will affect spectral indices designed to be sensitive to green veg
etation, soil brightness or other features. The main objectives of the
current research were to 1) evaluate the spectral properties of green
vegetation and litter and 2) quantify the effect of standing litter o
n the performance of spectral indices. The SAIL (scattering by arbitra
rily inclined leaves) model teas used to generate canopy reflectance '
'mixtures'' and to estimate fractions of absorbed photosynthetically a
ctive radiation (fAPAR) with varying leaf area index (LAI), soil backg
round, combinations of vegetation, component spectral properties, and
one or two horizontal vegetation layers. Spectral measurements of diff
erent bare soils and mature green and senescent leaves of representati
ve plant species at the HAPEX-Sahel (Hydrological Atmospheric Pilot Ex
periment) study sites were used as input. The normalized difference ve
getation index (NDVI), the soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI), and
the modified NDVI (MNDVI) and mixture model spectral indices were sele
cted to evaluate their performance with respect to standing litter and
green vegetation mixtures. Spectral reflectance signatures of leaf li
tter varied significantly, but strongly resembled soil spectral charac
teristics. The biophysical parameters (LAI, fAPAR), derived from spect
ral vegetation indices, tended to be overestimated for randomly distri
buted, sparse green and fitter vegetation cover mixtures, and underest
imated for randomly distributed dense green and litter vegetation cove
r mixtures. All spectral indices and their biophysical interpretation
were significantly altered by variability in 1) green leaf, leaf litte
r, and bark optical properties, 2) the amount and position of standing
leaf litter, 3) leaf angle distribution, and 4) soil background. The
NDVI response to these variables was inconsistent, and was the most af
fected by litter. The spectral mixture model indices, designed to be s
ensitive to litter were shown to be promising for the identification o
f litter present among different ecosystems.