Studies were conducted to evaluate the performance of a variety of alu
minum alloys with respect to hillock formation. Specifically, the effe
cts of film composition, deposition temperature, and underlayer on hil
lock formation were investigated. The film compositions included pure
Al, Al with 1.5 wt.% Cu (or AlCu), AlCu with 0.2 wt.% W, and AlCu with
0.4 wt.% W. These films were sputter deposited at 300 degrees C and 4
50 degrees C on either oxide- or Ti-W-coated Si substrates. Following
deposition, the films were annealed in air for 20 min at 450 degrees C
. For all film compositions, the deposition temperature had the most s
ignificant effect on the hillock density. For a given deposition tempe
rature, the addition of Cu to pure Al drastically reduced the hillock
density, but the addition of W to AlCu increased the hillock density,
The effect of the underlayer on the hillock density was negligible. Cr
oss-sections of the hillocks showed that they were solid from the bott
om interface to the top surface, and no voids were found near the hill
ocks. The grain size did not have a significant effect on the hillock
density. However, a correlation between increasing (111) film texture
and decreasing hillock density was observed.