The improvement in survival and quality of life of iron-overloaded pat
ients achieved by regular subcutaneous chelation has been extensively
documented over the years. A review of the long-term results allows on
e to establish the following points: (1) with regular subcutaneous che
lation, a negative iron balance can be obtained in most patients, exce
pt very young ones; (2) severe deferoxamine (DFO) toxicity may be prev
ented by skipping high doses and by carefully monitoring and modulatin
g chelation, especially in patients with a low iron overload; (3) the
maintenance of compliance with DFO over 0.6 and of ferritin levels bel
ow 2,000 prevents iron overload complications, at least for the first
20 years of life; (4) long-term chelation can reverse functional compl
ications such as liver fibrosis, arrhythmia and echocardiographic abno
rmalities, but not complications due to extensive tissue alterations,
such as frank diabetes, hypothyroidism and myocardiosclerosis; (5) int
ensive intravenous protocols can be successfully applied in heavily ov
erloaded patients and represent the only possibility to reverse their
dangerous iron burden in a relatively short period of time; (6) surviv
al and quality of life in well-chelated patients are approaching a nor
mal pattern, and (7) clinical outcome and prognosis are better evaluat
ed by parameters that consider iron overload and chelation trends.