Plantlets were regenerated by adventitious shoot budding in tissue cul
ture from leaf explants of a single genotype of sugar beet, DNA was ex
tracted from the parental plant and from 120 regenerants. RAPD analysi
s was carried out using five decanucleotide primers; 4,557 RAPD marker
bands were examined and two polymorphisms were observed. Thirty secon
dary regenerants were then derived, using the same tissue culture tech
nique, from thirty of the primary regenerants. Again RAPD analysis was
employed and a single band polymorphism was observed out of 1,050 ban
ds examined. The overall frequency of detection of somaclonal polymorp
hisms using RAPD (3 in 5,607 = 0.05%) is similar to frequencies previo
usly reported using isozyme and RFLP technologies.