Plants of Lolium perenne L., Holcus lanatus L., Lotus corniculatus L.
and Anthoxanthum odoratum L. were exposed to fog treatments at pH valu
es of 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 and 5.6. There were three 4-h exposures per week p
roviding a total of 6 mm deposition. Supplementary watering with pH 4.
5 simulated acid rain provided a further 24 mm deposition per week. Pl
ants of Lotus corniculatus showed reduced growth at pH 2.5 and 3.5 com
pared with the less acidic fog treatments and greatest dry matter accu
mulation at pH 4.5. In contrast, plants of the other three species sho
wed greater dry weights in the most acidic pH 2.5 treatment in compari
son with other treatments. For H. lanatus and A. odoratum, the increas
ed dry matter production at pH 2.5 was associated with a reduced root/
shoot ratio. There was a promotion of flowering stem production in the
pH 2.5 treatment for Lolium perenne and increased numbers of flowers
and buds in the pH 5.6 treatment for Lotus corniculatus. It is suggest
ed that leguminous species are more susceptible to acid deposition tha
n other plant families.