A system has been developed which provides up-to-the-hour hindcasts an
d short term forecasts for the how within the domain of a regional hyd
rodynamic model. The enabling technology is outlined here and principa
lly includes: (i) a ship-board anemometer and Acoustic Doppler Current
Profiler; (ii) telemetry systems for current meter moorings and LORAN
-C drifters; (iii) an ethernet-linked network of PCs and workstations
running data processing software; and (iv) an assimilative regional hy
drodynamic model. The first operational application of the system has
recently been completed on the outer Scotian Shelf where fisheries bio
logists needed to track a cohort of cod larvae (Gadus morhua) for 2-3
weeks. The cruise was successful: a patch of larvae initially 20 km ac
ross was found and tracked for 19 days despite the cruise being interr
upted halfway through by storm force winds which forced the ship back
to port for several days. Selected examples of data acquired on the cr
uise are presented to illustrate the usefulness of the system.