The physiological role of endothelin-l (ET-1) in regulation of vascula
r tone in the perinatal lung is controversial. Recent studies suggest
that ET-1 contributes to high basal pulmonary vascular resistance in t
he normal fetus, but its role in the modulation of pulmonary vascular
tone remains uncertain. We hypothesized that high ET-1 activity oppose
s the vasodilator response to some physiological stimuli such as incre
ased pressure. To test the hypothesis that ET-1 modulates fetal pulmon
ary vascular responses to acute and prolonged physiological stimuli, w
e performed a series of experiments in the late-gestation ovine fetus.
We studied the hemodynamic effects of two ET-1 antagonists, BQ-123 (a
selective ETA-receptor antagonist) and phosphoramidon (a nonselective
ET-1-converting enzyme inhibitor) during mechanical increases in pres
sure due to partial ductus arteriosus compression in chronically prepa
red late-gestation fetal lambs. In control studies, partial ductus art
eriosus compression decreased the ratio of pulmonary arterial pressure
to pulmonary artery flow in the left lung 34 +/- 6% from baseline. In
trapulmonary infusions of BQ-123 (0.5 mu g/min for 10 min; 0.025 mu g/
min for 2 h) or phosphoramidon (1.0 mg/min for 10 min) augmented the p
eak vasodilator response during ductus arteriosus compression (52 +/-
3 and 49 +/- 6% from baseline, respectively, P < 0.05 vs. control). In
addition, unlike the transient vasodilator response to ductus arterio
sus compression in control studies, ET-I blockade with BQ-123 or phosp
horamidon prolonged the increase in flow caused by ductus arteriosus c
ompression. In summary, ET(A)-receptor blockade and ET-l-converting en
zyme inhibition augment and prolong fetal pulmonary vasodilation durin
g partial compression of the ductus arteriosus. We conclude that ET-1
activity modulates acute and prolonged responses of the fetal pulmonar
y circulation to changes in vascular pressure. We speculate that ET-1
contributes to regulation and maintenance of high pulmonary vascular r
esistance in the normal ovine fetal lung.