Bi-articular muscles form a subclass of poly-articular muscles. Muscle
s in human limbs belonging to these classes are enumerated. For some o
f these muscles experimental evidence had been given that they direct
forces on the environment and move segments of the limbs in a unique w
ay. They perform the combination of these effects in cooperation with
mono-articular antagonists. Such muscles are situated in the lower lim
b. Analyses of upper limb movements were less convincing. They were no
t complete. In the literature the kinematic studies were found from wh
ich a hypothesis about the functioning of the poly-articular muscles m
oving the fingers may be deduced. Expansion of an experiment of Long e
t al. (1970) with analysis of forces exerted may provide an interpreta
tion of the cooperation of finger poly-articular muscles. The terms an
tagonist and synergist are redefined.