Utilizing highly polar solvents for the stabilization of Fullerene ani
ons, electrochemical and chemical reduction resulted in narrow single
line EPR spectra for the monoanions of C-60 and C-70 being characteriz
ed by g = 2.0001(1), Delta B = 0.075 mT, g = 2.0019(1), Delta B = 0.01
6 mT, respectively. Apparently, the orbital degeneracy of the C-60 mon
oanion is lifted under these conditions to such an extent, that the ab
normal large spin lattice relaxation rate believed to be responsible f
or the approximately 5 mT line width of the monoanion is sufficiently
reduced. C-13 enrichment resulted in noticeable line broadening, allow
ing an estimate of the average C-13 hyperfine coupling constant a(ave)
= 0.1 mT.