The growth pattern of 28 girls and 32 boys with celiac disease was ana
lyzed up to the ages of 10 and 12 years, respectively. Fifty-four pati
ents (90%) were diagnosed before 4 years of age and six patients (10%)
between 5 and 9 years of age. At diagnosis, 18 of 60 patients (30%) h
ad a height SD score below -2.0, and 45 of 59 patients (76%) had a wei
ght-for-height below the median. The mean height SD score showed incre
asing growth retardation in the year before diagnosis, relatively quic
k catch-up growth in the year after diagnosis, and complete catch-up i
n 2-3 years. Mean weight-for-height showed a progressive decrease 12-1
8 months before diagnosis, increased to a maximum at the end of the fi
rst year of therapy, and returned to normal 15 months after dietary tr
eatment. Independent of age at diagnosis, initial degree of wasting, d
iagnostic delay, and strictness of gluten-free diet, catch-up growth w
as complete in this group of patients who were diagnosed before 9 year
s of age.