One of the key challenges in designing the next generation tokamaks is
the development of plasma facing components (PFC's) that can withstan
d the severe environmental conditions at the plasma edge. The most int
ensely loaded element of the PFC's is the divertor. The divertor must
handle high fluxes of energetic plasma particles and electromagnetic r
adiation without excessive impurity build-up in the plasma core. It mu
st also remove helium ash while recirculating a large fraction of the
unburned hydrogen fuel so that vacuum pumping requirements are not exc
essive. The gas-dynamic mode of divertor operation proposed for ITER e
xpands the divertor design window to include several alternate heat si
nk and armor materials that were not feasible for the previous high re
cycling divertor approach. In particular, beryllium armor can now be c
onsidered with copper, niobium or vanadium structural materials cooled
by liquid metal or possibly helium in addition to water. This paper p
resents some of the results achieved under ongoing ITER Plasma Facing
Components research and development tasks. The overall effort involves
U.S. industry, universities and national laboratories and is directed
towards developing and/or testing: (1) ductile beryllium and berylliu
m joining techniques; (2) prototype divertor component design, fabrica
tion and testing; (3) fiber-reinforced composites for beryllium and ca
rbon; (4) beryllium plasma spray processes; (5) compliant layers for P
FC armor attachment; (6) sacrificial armor layers for the divertor end
-plates; and (7) tritium permeation and inventory in proposed PFC mate
rials and components. The paper focuses on work being conducted by the
industrial support team consisting of McDonnell Douglas Aerospace, Eb
asco, General Atomics, Rocketdyne, University of Illinois and Westingh