Small body launching that uses gas or plasma faces the fundamental pro
blem caused by excess energy loss that is due to the great wall surfac
e/volume ratio of the barrel. For example, the efficiency of the plasm
a armature (PA) rail-gun acceleration is maximum for 8-10 mm-size bodi
es and drops as their size decreases.(1) That is why in the case of nu
clear fusion applications, where 1-2 mm-size pellets at 5-10 km/s velo
city are desirable, electromagnetic launchers have not yet demonstrate
d an advantage over light-gas guns and one is now forced to search for
a compromise between the pellet size (increasing it up to #34 mm) and
its velocity (decreasing it down to approximate to 3 km/s). As a whol
e, the probability of attaining 5-10 km/s velocity for 1-2 mm pellets
seems to be rather remote at the present.