Interdigital heterobarrier metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) structures
are proposed as ultrafast photodetectors of visible radiation. Vertica
l photocarrier drift in MSM diode structures provides the simplest way
of reducing the active region of a detector to the submicron size and
of shortening considerably the response time without a significant lo
ss of the radiation coupling-in efficiency. External electrooptic samp
ling was used to determine the subpicosecond (half-amplitude duration
0.6 ps) electrical response of a detector built into a copolanar micro
wave energy transmission line. Under a bias voltage of 1 V and for an
optical excitation energy of 10 pJ per pulse the change in the photodi
ode voltage amounted to 40% of the bias voltage, which makes these dio
de structures sufficiently efficient and extremely fast detectors of o
ptical radiation.