The suitability of KSIM models derived from group participation strate
gies is critically evaluated in a comparison with models generated by
a gradient descent learning algorithm. Two learning algorithms are des
cribed to train KSIM socioeconomic models. The algorithms are used to
train KSIM cross-impact matrices from initially random weights to fina
l values producing a model that will closely fit a given time series.
The time series can be obtained by integrating a KSIM model or by usin
g raw data from other sources. KSIM modeling previously relied on insi
ght, intuition, or knowledge of KSIM modeling to find suitable paramet
ers. The training algorithms provide an organized approach to the mini
mization of a suitable cost function. At the same time, any system kno
wledge can be incorporated into initial conditions with learning perfo
rmed around solid physical foundations. Some limits of the dynamic per
formance of the KSIM model are noted, further establishing the unsuita
bility of the KSIM model for many real systems.