The chitosan-glucan complex system in Absidia coerulea grown in YM med
ium aerobically for 72 h at 25 degrees C is more sensitive to alkali t
han the complex from other Mucoraceae previously studied. As a consequ
ence, the chitosan can be isolated by boiling the biomass in 25% NaOH
for 3 h, washing to neutrality and freeze-drying. Typically, the chito
san is highly filmogenic and has degree of acetylation 0.052, free ami
ne 0.86 and average molecular weight 5 x 10(5); it is poorly susceptib
le to the hydrolytic action of lysozyme, papain and lipase. The reacet
ylated chitosan (degree of acetylation 0.23), besides being soluble in
the usual pH range for chitosans, is exceptionally soluble at pH valu
es over pH 9 and is promptly depolymerized by lysozyme, papain and lip