Characteristics of water level variations in the northern Levantine Se
a have been investigated by reference to a sequence of hourly water le
vel observations at Antalya and Iskenderun. Long and short period osci
llations of non-tidal origin have been identified. Long-period oscilla
tions (several days) correspond to variations in barometric pressure;
the short-period oscillations (2.8 to 4.6 hours) can be attributed to
seiche-like motions. The tidal oscillations are small in amplitude, wi
th a spring range of 21 and 41 cm in Antalya and Iskenderun respective
ly. Tidal oscillations are dominated by semi-diurnal constituents. The
seasonal fluctuations of monthly mean sea level show two maxima and t
wo minima; the major minimum occurs in March and is followed by a majo
r maximum in August. The maximum range between extremes is 17.3 cm for
the average monthly mean sea level.