A total of 212 diabetic pregnancies were studied prospectively over th
e period 1985 to 1986, inclued : 76 insulinodependent diabetics (IDD),
34 non insulinodependent diabetics (NIDD), and 102 gestational diabet
es. The perinatal mortality rate for all diabetic pregnancies was 1.4%
(n = 3); 3 congential malformations were recorded (a therapeutic abor
tion was performed in 2 cases). These results are comparable with thos
e of the non diabetic population. However, it is to be noticed that ma
ternal as well as neonatal morbidity was important (hypoglycaemic coma
s: 18 in 9 IDD, preeclampsia: 7 IDD, 2 NIDD, 1 DG; caesarian delivery:
50% IDD, 50% NIDD, 25% DG; neonatal morbidity 20% of the new born. Th
e main objectives must be now targeted on the prevention of severe hyp
oglycaemia in IDD, the early diagnosis of DG and the development of pr
egnancy care in NIDD.