An amperometric biosensor for sulfite determination based on the incor
poration of sulfite oxidase (SOD) into a polypyrrole film by galvanost
atic formation, has been successfully developed. The use of the biosen
sor involves the application of a constant potential of -700 mV, which
promotes oxygen reduction as the predominant reaction. The optimum an
alytical conditions for the biosensor were 0.1 M phosphate buffer with
0.5 M KCl, pH 7.0, and a platinum disk electrode. The response of the
biosensor to sulfite was linear from 0 to 80 mg/L, and the minimum de
tectable amount was found to be 5 mg/L. Usual interferants in sulfite
determination such as ascorbic acid, sodium nitrite, and sodium sulfat
e did not interfere with the biosensor. The excellent reproducibility
of the sulfite response with 4 hours of repeated use provides the basi
s for the construct-ion oi a disposable or renewable biosensor for sul
fite determination.