Jm. Yin et Fh. Cornet, INTEGRATED STRESS DETERMINATION BY JOINT INVERSION OF HYDRAULIC TESTSAND FOCAL MECHANISMS, Geophysical research letters, 21(24), 1994, pp. 2645-2648
An inversion method, based on a genetic algorithm, is proposed for int
erpreting jointly various kinds of stress data in order to overcome th
e limitation, in number and quality, of each data set. The method has
been applied to results from hydraulic tests in boreholes and to focal
mechanisms of induced seismicity observed within the same depth inter
val. The regional stress field is described by two symmetrical tensors
. The first one represents the stress at a given depth and the second
one the vertical stress gradient. Results indicate that one of the pri
ncipal directions is vertical. They are consistent with all but one of
the hydraulic tests considered in the inversion and with about 70% of
the focal mechanisms. This inversion confirms previous results sugges
ting that, for the scale of these induced microseismic events, the reg
ional stress field cannot be determined solely from an inversion of th
e fault plane solutions.