During the 1993-1994 Winter, simultaneous measurements were conducted
in Alaska of the radio spectrum from 0.1 to 4.8 MHz and geomagnetic ac
tivity. Nighttime geomagnetic disturbances, consisting of bays in the
DC magnetic field, and rapid variations recorded with the induction co
il, were found to be correlated with prompt absorption features in the
LF/MF/HF radio spectrum and with three types of natural emissions at
LF/MF/HF frequencies. During February-March, 1994, 66 out of 73 magnet
ic signatures meeting certain criteria were associated with LF/MF/HF a
bsorption events and 30 of the 73 were associated with natural emissio
ns. The radio spectrum was sometimes observed to be sensitive to relat
ively weak magnetic activity.