Correlations between WISC-III IQs and Index scores with the eight achi
evement subscales of the WIAT were investigated for a sample of 202 st
udents with specific learning disabilities, 115 students with mental r
etardation, and 159 students who failed to qualify for special educati
on services (total N = 476). Corrected correlations between the WISC-I
II Full Scale IQ and WIAT subtests indicated differences with the corr
elations reported in the WIAT manual. Interestingly, our relationships
were generally higher than those previously reported. Only on one sub
test, Basic Reading, were significantly lower correlations than those
reported in the WIAT manual present. Correlations between the Verbal C
omprehension and Perceptual Organization Index scores and WIAT subtest
s were almost all lower than those calculated between the Verbal and P
erformance IQs and WIAT subtests. Implications are discussed, especial
ly those involving the use of correlations between ability and achieve
ment measures in regression formulas.