This study evaluates and compares the efficacy of the two positions us
ed for imaging of the hip in trochanteric fractures. One hundred patie
nts with grade I or grade II trochanteric fractures were divided into
two equal groups. In group I the fracture was reduced and the opposite
hip was brought to full abduction, neutral flexion and neutral rotati
on. In group II, the fracture was reduced and the opposite hip was fle
xed beyond 90-degrees, abducted and externally rotated. Only patients
with minimal or no communication were included in this study. The radi
ation exposure time was considerably less in group II. The abduction a
ngle between the two limbs of the fracture table was higher in group I
I and it was possible to visualize the femoral head completely in the
lateral view in 96 per cent of patients in group II and 76 per cent in
group I. We strongly recommended that the opposite hip should be flex
ed to about 90-degrees, abducted and externally rotated if it is not p
ossible to see the femoral head completely in the lateral view.