To describe constraint field models, we apply the multimomentum Hamilt
onian formalism where momenta correspond to derivatives of fields with
respect to all world coordinates, not only time. If a Lagrangian dens
ity is degenerate, the Euler-Lagrange equations are underdetermined an
d need additional gauge-type conditions which remain elusive in genera
l. One gets these conditions automatically as a part of the Hamilton e
quations, but must consider a family of Hamiltonian forms associated w
ith the same Lagrangian density in order to exhaust solutions of the E
uler-Lagrange equations, The case of degenerate quadratic and affine L
agrangian densities is elaborated. As a result, we get the universal p
rocedure of describing constraint field systems. (C) 1994 American Ins
titute of Physics.