In the first known attempt to use a sympatric, non-mimetic convergence
('a naturally controlled experiment in evolutionary morphology') to q
uantitatively partition a morphology among its controlling factors, sh
ells of the polygyrid land snails Neohelix major (Binney) and Mesodon
normalis (Pilsbry) were analysed in a factorially designed rearing exp
eriment. The complete absence of character displacement or character r
elease confirmed previous field studies. Growth rate, a determinant of
adult shell size, was controlled 50% by direct environmental inductio
n (with temperature twice as effective as humidity), 10% by proximate
natural selection (with a shorter growing season selecting for faster
growth), 10% by genotype-environment interaction (with moisture genera
lly inducing a greater growth surge in a drier climate), and 30% by wi
thin-cohort variation (apparently heritable). Spire height confirmed p
redictions that flatter shells make better estivators (shelterers from
drought) and that taller shells make better climbers and tall/flat ni
ches are readily filled: high within-cohort variation (70% of total) p
rovides the raw material for niche-filling (but is reduced in severe c
limates by stabilizing selection); environmental induction (10%) is st
rictly by humidity, which makes shells taller for foraging more widely
under more favourable conditions; proximate natural selection (10%) p
roduces taller shells in moister climates (with intensity of effect de
pendent on evolutionary time); and genotype-environment interaction (1
0%) makes the drought-induction of flat shells stronger in more drough
t-prone areas. Coiling tightness, allied to whorl-expansion rate, show
s distinct evidence of adaptive neutrality: 60% of total variance is e
xplained by phylogenetic constraints despite an estimated 120 million
years of genetic isolation and despite the demonstrated ability of rel
ated clades to converge; the 10% due to genotype-environment interacti
on is generally random and nonadaptive in its response; and the remain
ing 30% appears random, non-induced, and non-selected. This study's pr
otocol of experimentally partitioning a 'closed universe' of morpholog
y among a full set of controlling factors is recommended as an alterna
tive to the usual practice of analysing the effects of one or a subset
of factors on an 'open universe' of morphology. One advantage of this
new protocol is that it obviates the 'nature-nurture debate' by quant
ifying the relative contributions of each, which in this snail-shell c
ase differ drastically among the various components of a single morpho