Dissolution of amosite, crocidolite and chrysotile was studied in vari
ous acid and buffered salt solutions and the appearance in solution of
Mg, Fe, Na, K, Ca, Mn, Ni, Co, and SiO2 was measured. In IN acid solu
tions more SiO2 and Mg is recovered from chrysotile than from the amph
ibole minerals and, in general, SiO2 and Mg dissolution increases with
specific surface area of the minerals. The dissolution of chrysotile
is affected by the buffering capacity of the leach solution and the am
ount of Mg and SiO2 extracted increased with increasing buffer strengt
h of the leach solution. Mg(II) ions and hydroxyl groups are released
from chrysotile in a ratio of approximately one to two. Ni and Mg extr
actions from chrysotile in acid solution are roughly proportional to e
ach other.