We present a compilation of emission properties for a sample of 116 Se
yfert galaxies based on both previously unpublished data and measureme
nts available in the literature. These measurements include fluxes in
the emission lines [O III] lambda 5007 and H beta, as well as the infr
ared (25-60 mu m), ultraviolet (1450 Angstrom), soft (0.2-4 keV), and
hard (2-10 keV) X-ray continua. These data are used to try to distingu
ish between isotropic and anisotropic emission properties of Seyfert g
alaxies. The distribution functions of [O III] lambda 5007, infrared,
and hard X-ray continuum are similar for Seyfert 1's and Seyfert 2's,
consistent with these properties being isotropic. The ultraviolet and
soft X-ray continua of Seyfert 2's are underluminous relative to the t
ype 1's suggesting photons at these energies escape from the central s
ource anisotropically. There is a correlation between the ultraviolet
continuum and emission-line fluxes in Seyfert 1's consistent with the
idea that the central engine is responsible for powering the line emis
sion. No such correlation is found for the Seyfert 2's. Instead, the s
catter in the plot of ultraviolet continuum versus line emission sugge
sts the true nuclear continuum luminosity is not seen at Earth in thes
e objects. These properties are consistent with those expected in the
dusty torus model.