The athlete's heart is characterized by eccentric hypertrophy of all c
ardiac cavities and there is a close connection to increased tone of t
he vagal system. As a consequence, not only arrhythmias are observed i
n the ECG of healthy athletes, but also changes in the QRS complex and
in the ST-T-segment. Left ventricular hypertrophy is diagnosed in ECG
by a positive Sokolow-Lyon index. The frequent finding of a right ven
tricular conduction delay is possibly due to hypertrophy of the myocar
dium in the apex of the right ventricle. The causes of various T wave
changes are generally unclear and await further diagnostic clarificati
on. In cases when normalization of the T-wave deviation is observed un
der stress, such changes are of functional nature. Echocardiography is
indicated in any case to establish the heart's size and function; hyp
ertrophic cardiomyopathy has to be excluded. Frequent cardiac dysrhyth
mias found in athletes are sinus bradycardia and sinus arrhythmia, les
s often escape rhythms are seen. A arrhythmia more often found in athl
etes is the respiration-dependent simple atrioventricular dissociation
. Also, escape rhythms are observed in some cases with ventricular ori
gin. Finally, a pronounced vagotonia can lead to a prolonged conductio
n time; AV-blocks of all degrees of severity are observed in athletes.
The functional character of these arrhythmias can be easily demonstra
ted by their disappearance under stress.