CAPAS (Computer-assisted Plankton Analysis System), an application sof
tware developed for Macintosh computers, was designed for the analysis
of taxonomic and size composition of zooplankton. We based CAPAS on t
he zooplankton analysis system of Mills and Confer (1986), but instead
of using electronic calipers, CAPAS requires a digitizing surface for
making one-dimensional plankter measurements. Advantages of CAPAS ove
r Mills and Confer's system (1986) include (1) freedom from caliper-as
sociated mechanical error; (2) increased flexibility regarding sample
magnification changes, taxonomic lists, measurable size ranges, precis
ion level, and output format; and (3) increased file editing abilities
. Moreover, prey taxon- and size-dependent selectivities (Manly-Chesso
n preference index cc and Strauss's linear index L) of planktivorous p
redators can be calculated using plankton samples from an ''environmen
t'' (e.g., lake, pond, tank) in which a predator was feeding and sampl
es from either the predator's stomach or from the ''environment'' afte
r the predator had been feeding. Though designed primarily for the ana
lysis of zooplankton, CAPAS can be useful in a variety of other analys
es in which taxonomic or size composition is needed (e.g., phytoplankt
on enumeration, measurement and enumeration of morphological character
istics of zooplankton such as leg spines and setules, antennae segment
s, etc.).