The aim of this work was to study the influence of low molecular weigh
t organic acid concentration (0 to 1600 mumol C L-1) and type (oxalic,
citric (CI), salicylic) and of solution pH (3.2 to 4.7) on the kineti
cs of SO4 sorption by the B horizon of two Spodosols (HER and CON) fro
m the Lower Laurentians, Quebec. Using a miscible displacement techniq
ue, the soil materials were leached at a flow rate of 0.2 ml min-1 for
6 h at 25-degrees-C. The slope parameter (1/beta) of the Elovich equa
tion was used as an apparent SO4 sorption rate. The presence of organi
c ligands in solution reduced SO4 sorption by the HER B and the CON B
horizons from 543 to 365 mumol SO4 kg-1 and from 1053 to 642 mumol SO4
kg-1, respectively. For both soils, 1/beta values were always higher
(97 to 51 mumol kg-1 ln min-1 (HER) and 256 to 135 mumol kg-1 ln min-1
(CON)) in systems that were free of organic acids; however, the relat
ionships between the properties of the acids and their relative SO4 so
rption inhibition capacity was not clear. The extent of SO4 sorption i
nhibition increased considerably as CI concentration was augmented fro
m 100 to 1600 mumol C L-1. The efficiency of CI in reducing SO4 sorpti
on by the HER B horizon was pH dependent, with SO4 sorption during the
experiment decreasing by 23% at pH 3.2 and by 355% (desorption) at pH
4.7. The presence of CI led to the desorption of native exchangeable
SO4 when the pH was above 4.2 or when the total C concentration was hi
gh (1600 mumol C L-1). The data thus reveal that temporal changes in C
cycling can affect SO4 mobility in acidic forest soils with potential
implications on the transport of nutrient cations if the total anioni
c equivalent charge of the soil solution is increased.