Let S be a set of n points in R(d). A set W is a weak epsilon-net for
(convex ranges of) S if, for any T subset-or-equal-to S containing eps
ilonn points, the convex hull of T intersects W. We show the existence
of weak epsilon-nets of size O((1/epsilon(d)) log(beta(d))(1/epsilon)
), where beta2 = 0, beta3 = 1, and beta(d) almost-equal-to 0.149 . 2(d
-1)(d - 1)!, improving a previous bound of Alon et al. Such a net can
be computed effectively. We also consider two special cases: when S is
a planar point set in convex position, we prove the existence of a ne
t of size O((1/epsilon) log1.6(1/epsilon)). In the case where S consis
ts of the vertices of a regular polygon, we use an argument from hyper
bolic geometry to exhibit an optimal net of size O(1/epsilon), which i
mproves a previous bound of Capoyleas.