The association of negative symptoms on one hand and cognitive failure
s and language and thought disturbances on the other hand was examined
in 25 schizophrenics and 22 neurotics over a 2-month period of intens
ive therapy. Psychopathological negative symptoms were more pronounced
in schizophrenics than in neurotics at the first assessment before in
tensive therapy. However, cognitive and language performance showed no
difference between the groups in both cross-sectional comparisons bef
ore and after treatment. Thus, our hypothesis that cognitive deficienc
ies are the core of negative symptoms could not be confirmed. It is di
scussed that young schizophrenics at an early stage of the illness may
imply more affective components in the psychopathology of their negat
ive syndrome than chronic schizophrenics with more pronounced cognitiv
e deficits.