The similarity of the constructs measured by the Perceptions of Succes
s Questionnaire (POS; Roberts, 1993) and the Sports Orientation Questi
onnaire (SOQ; Gill, 1993) were evaluated using (a) confirmatory factor
analyses of responses by 395 high school students (217 males, 178 fem
ales, ages 12 to 18) to items adapted from the two instruments and (b)
relations to external criteria. Although the POS Mastery and SOQ Goal
scales were highly related and reflected task orientation, the SOQ Co
mpetitiveness scale was more highly correlated with the POS Mastery an
d SOQ Goal scales than with the POS Competitiveness scale. Apparently,
competitiveness assessed by the SOQ reflects a task orientation, wher
eas the POS Competitiveness scale reflects primarily an ego orientatio
n. Sport psychologists need to beware of jingle (scales with the same
label reflect the same construct) and jangle (scales with different la
bels measure different construct) fallacies, and pursue construct vali
dity studies more vigorously to test the interpretations of measures.