1. Procedures for a complete charge movement separation employed a com
bination of its steady-state inactivation and activation properties in
intact frog skeletal muscle fibres in gluconate-containing solutions.
2. Holding potential shifts from -70 to -50 mV reduced the total char
ge available between -90 and -20 mV from 16.76 +/- 1.70 nC mu F-1 (mea
n +/- S.E.M.; n = 4 fibres) to 9.25 +/- 1.43 nC mu F-1 without signifi
cant loss of tetracaine-resistant charge (q(beta)). 3. The steady-stat
e and kinetic properties of tetracaine-sensitive charge (q(gamma)) per
sisted through holding potential changes from -90 to -70 mV in the pre
sence of gluconate and generally resembled activation properties estab
lished hitherto in sulphate-containing solutions. 4. Further holding p
otential displacement to -50 mV abolished q(gamma) charge movements an
d depressed the charge-voltage curve. 5. Test voltage steps applied fr
om a -70 mV prepulse level gave rapid monotonic g(beta) decays and sim
ilarly depressed activation functions in 2 mM tetracaine unchanged by
holding potential shifts between -70 and -50 mV. 6. The isolated 'on'
q(gamma) charge movements, I(t), always included early transients that
preceded any prolonged charging phases and which increased with depol
arization. They decayed to stable baselines in the absence of prolonge
d time-dependent or inward-current phases and yielded integrals, Q(t),
that monotonically increased with test voltage. 7. 'Off' steps always
elicited rapid monotonic q(gamma) decays that fully returned the 'on'
charge. 8. 'On' and 'off' q(gamma) currents, I(t), following voltage
steps from fixed conditioning to varying test levels mapped onto topol
ogically distinct higher-order phase-plane trajectories, I(Q), that st
eeply varied with test Voltage. 9. In contrast, voltage steps to fixed
test potentials of either -70 or -20 mV elicited identical q(gamma) p
hase-plane trajectories independent of prepulse history. 10. The q(gam
ma) current thus reflects an independent, capacitative process driven
uniquely by higher-order dependences upon charge distribution, Q(t), a
nd test voltage, V(t), autonomous of prepulse history or time, t.