The efficiency of the Karlsruhe etched track detector was determined o
ver a wide range of radon exposures. Sixty four detectors were placed
in an airtight chamber. The radon concentration was kept at about 80 k
Bq.m(-3) by circulating air over a solid radium source. At predetermin
ed times, a group of four detectors was taken out of the chamber. The
exposure period varied from a few hours up to several months in order
to determine the efficiency curve for low exposure as well as for the
region of saturation. The functional form y=a (I -e(-bx)) was fitted t
o the data. The low exposure range was fitted with only the first six
data points. The slope is 0.546, whic
h is comparable to the earlier value of 0.55
).h(-1). The high exposure rang was fitted with the whole data sec. Th
e two curves intersect at 2700 At higher track densitie
s the curve based on the whole data set has to be used to convert the
number of tracks into an exposure.