The molecular cloning of genes that encode amino acid transporters pre
sents the scientific community with the opportunity to name their gene
products using a scheme that could usefully recall the well-defined t
ransport system most similar in properties to the newly identified clo
ned gene product. To avoid the problem of rising confusion, we propose
to take advantage of established designation methods that indicate th
e types of amino acids transported and the co-substrate ion requiremen
t of their transport. The economy obligated by the necessity to keep t
he number of symbols in a gene name to a minimum will rarely permit a
listing of the full range of substrates, since amino acid transport sy
stems have broad substrate specificities with co-substrate requirement
s that can differ in a substrate-specific manner. Hence, the use of es
tablished systems to codify groups of amino acid transport systems, wh
ich allow identification of the substrate range by using 1-3 letters,
e.g. A, L or even ASC, could be integrated with a system used to indic
ate the ion-dependence of transport. The discoverers of transporters a
re mainly proceeding with commendable reserve and are inviting discuss
ion, a desire which this essay urges be facilitated by more formal arr
angements for further planning. These discoverers have also shown, alo
ng with an expressed desire for guidance, well-advised spontaneity in
making reference to the substrate range, two trends that together sugg
est that a good set of designations can evolve that will be highly des
criptive. We propose that this can be accomplished without a struggle
to accommodate awkwardly to the requirements of the huge human genome
data base cataloging system, nor to any single comprehensive systemati
c scheme. Instead, a combined scheme that takes into account the biolo
gical and biochemical characteristics, as well as the historical desig
nations, of amino acid transport systems, is offered here for evaluati