The concurrent engineering approach calls for the simultaneous conside
ration of a variety of concerns from a variety of perspectives. When a
team is provided proper tools, such multi-faceted analysis can reduce
many common oversights early in the design process. However, issues c
ommon to all group interactions can hinder a concurrent engineering te
am. We present research which supports concurrent engineering teamwork
during the initial, requirement, and specification stages of system d
esign. Developing requirements from a group of analysts and system use
rs is a difficult task. In addition to the usual problems of individua
l requirements acquisition, group requirements acquisition entails con
flict detection, resolution generation, and resolution choice. In esse
nce, requirements must be negotiated. In this article we present a mod
el for requirements negotiation and its automated support. The model c
alls for the independent representation of user requirements followed
by their negotiation. The model centers around three themes: user part
icipation, resolution generation, and negotiation records. To support
these themes, we have built a tool which provides: (1) automated metho
ds for conflict detection and resolution generation; (2) an interactiv
e resolution choice procedure; and (3) records of the negotiation proc
ess. After presenting the tool, called Oz, we describe the use of its
interactive resolution search and choice procedure. We conclude that i
nteractive decision support is necessary for effective requirements ne