Homologs of genes mapping to human chromosome 11p15 are located in thr
ee distinct, widely separated regions of mouse chromosome 7 (Mmu7). To
date, six genes have been localized to the most proximal HSA11p15/Mmu
7 homology region, including Ldh3 (encoding lactate dehydrogenase C),
Ldh1 (lactate dehydrogenase A), Myod1 (myogenic differentiation factor
-1), Tph (tryptophan hydroxylase), Saa1 (serum amyloid-A-1), and Kcnc1
(encoding a Shaw-type voltage-gated potassium channel). To define the
overall size and organization of this region of Mmu7, we have establi
shed a long-range physical map including the murine Ldh1, Ldh3 Saa, Tp
h, Kcnc1, and Myod1 genes. Our results demonstrate that these six gene
s are physically clustered and are distributed throughout a 500-kb int
erval located just proximal of the pink-eyed dilution (p) locus. These
data, together with recent mapping studies within the related region
of HSA11p15, demonstrate that gene content and organization within thi
s proximal homology segment have been highly conserved throughout evol
ution. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.