Neonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism using cord serum thyr
oid-stimulating hormone (TSH) was initiated in Najran health region in
September 1990. 4 total of 30810 newborn infants were screened by Apr
il 1995. Of the 24 infants with abnormal thyroid function tests on rec
all, 22 had permanent primary congenital hypothyroidism (incidence; 1:
1400) and in two male siblings transient congenital hypothyroidism (in
cidence; 1:15400) was proved on follow-up. There was a significantly h
igher incidence of dyshormonogenesis. Eight (57 per cent) of the 14 in
fants who were adequately studied thyroid scan revealed eutopic glands
with increased Tc-99m uptake, while thyroid ectopy and aplasia were p
resent only in three (22 per cent) infants each. Furthermore, goiter w
as evident clinically in two other patients.